Mos Modirum - Ruling the republic for a third time

Saturday, June 8, 2024
Rome Politics India

My hopes for Modi's third term as India's Prime Minister.

Mos Modirum - Ruling the republic for a third time display picture

In democracies, ancient or modern, being elected to lead a country for a third time is a remarkable achievement. We in India, witnessed one such remarkable achievement today. On this day, it might be interesting to look through the annals of history, at a civilization known for its administrative capabilities and see how some of ancient Rome's most celebrated leaders utilized their rare third term as consul to shape the Republic's destiny.

1. Gaius Marius: Defense

During his unprecedented third consulship, Gaius Marius faced a dire threat: a massive tribal confederation, including the Cimbri and Teutones, had already crushed Roman armies and loomed over the Republic. A skilled commander, Marius enacted military reforms, bolstered intelligence networks, and pursued diplomacy. In this crucial term, he led Roman forces to a pivotal victory against the Teutones at Aquae Sextiae, and later defeated this coalition, ultimately securing Rome's future.

2. Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus: Dispensing justice

Pompey the Great, a brilliant strategist, earned acclaim for nearly eradicating piracy in the Mediterranean Sea. His third consulship, however, fell during a period of upheaval and turmoil. He used this term to enact legislation to curb violence and bribery and restore order to the Republic.

3. Gaius Julius Caesar: Development

Julius Caesar, known majorly for his stellar military record, used his third consulship to launch various public works projects. These included constructing safer and more efficient roads, improving the city's drainage system, and undertaking other urban development initiatives to enhance the lives of Roman citizens.

Roman consuls

In his third term as the Prime Minister of India, I hope that Narendra Modi continues to safeguard India from external threats like Marius, establish and maintain domestic order like Pompey, and, like Caesar, initiate projects that benefit Indian citizens, ushering in a new era of prosperity. Keeping the triumvirate of Nitish, Naidu, and Eknath Shinde content will require much astuteness, but if the goddess Concordia smiles on us, we will see Pax Indica maintained under the Imperium of Narendra Modi.

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