Homer's Illiad tells us of two brothers - Menalaus and Agamemnon who left their homes in Hellas and headed to the city of Troy, the jewel of the Agean, to conquer it and acquire it's wealth.
Following in the footsteps of these bronze age brothers, my brother Harsha and I are headed to the new city of Troy (in Upstate New York), home to the US's first technological research university. There we plan to conquer laziness, procrastination and doubt and acquire a wealth of knowledge to earn a master's degree in computer science from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Like Agamemnon and Menalaus before the start of their journey, we too don't know what the fates have in store for us in Troy. Unlike those sons of Atreus, we don't have the divine support of Poseidon or Hera. Instead, and even better, we have the support of our wonderful family. We are grateful to them, especially Ranjana aunty and all the dodammas, dodappas, akkas, grandparents and friends who have helped us embark on this new phase of our lives.
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