Not gold but iron!

Thursday, August 5, 2021
Rome Short India

Celebrating the Indian women's hockey team winning bronze at the Tokyo olympics.

Not gold but iron! display picture

Great work by our women's hockey team! Finishing 4th at the Olympics is a significant achievement.

I remember an old Latin phrase from the early Roman Republic - After the Gauls entered Rome and sacked it in 387 BC, they demanded to be paid in gold to leave the city. At this moment, the exiled general Camillus returned to Rome with an army, drew his sword and said "Non auro, sed ferro, recuperanda est patria" - It is not with gold, but with iron that we will win back our nation!⚔️

Today our women's hockey team won the hearts of everybody in our nation, not with gold medals but with their iron determination and will of steel. They worked extremely hard and showed us their true mettle.

I am sure they'll win medals in the future! 🇮🇳

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