
I am a software engineer with a fascination for the past and how it connects to our present world. This blog is a playground for exploring those connections, as well as a launchpad for delving into anything that I find interesting, be it languages, politics etc. While I am not a professional historian (or an expert in many of the fields I explore!), I am an enthusiastic reader and learner, so consider my takes as engaging conversation starters.

Ready to dive in? Check out my latest posts below.👇 Or, explore my entire collection of blog posts. 👉

Karnataka's impact on Indian history as seen on the Rupee display picture
Karnataka's impact on Indian history as seen on the Rupee

Connecting the history of the places on the Indian rupee notes to Karnataka.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Journey through the Cosmere display picture
Journey through the Cosmere

My spoiler-free thoughts as I read Brandon Sanderson's books.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Blog post categories:

Rome Politics India Afghanistan Short Travel Egypt Africa Music Books